Sunday, May 18, 2008

we've moved!

I now have a new blog site...for many reasons.

Here's the link:

Monday, April 28, 2008

where is the love...

An interesting quote from a podcast I was listening to last week: "It just can't be a good thing when anytime you hear about Christians in the news they're boycotting or promoting some sort of negative activity. You know, Jesus said, 'They should know us by our love.'"

That phrase really struck me. I was pondering often do you hear about Christians doing good? Now, I know that there's media bias (yadda yadda yadda)and I know that Christians do DO good... But so many live their Christian lives by the bumper sticker on their car or their cd in the cd player...but how often do they live their Christian lives so that people would know they were Christians by their love? Some talk so much about abstaining from things...parties, circles of people, companies that don't support "Merry Christmas"...because they're called to be "in the world but not of the world." But...I really think that we're called to be in the world and not of the world by our love that we show others. THAT'S the difference. It's a whole lot easier to show we're Christians by putting a fish on the back of our car than to get dirty in dealing with people's lives. Too bad Jesus didn't say, "They should know us by our bumper stickers or the parties we don't go to or the people we DON'T hang around."

Just an interesting thing to think about. Not that I'm saying we should just love and disregard all other Biblical teaching...and not that I didn't already know that we were supposed to be different by our love. It's just interesting to think from a "world" do they "tell" Christians from non-Christians. Is it BY our love? Or is it solely by what we boycott/support?


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

i am an arteeeest!

As many of you job isn't really what I would call challenging or time consuming. I get my work done and then surf the internet. When I finish the internet, what most of you all don't know is that I dabble in painting. MS paint, that is. I've been meaning to post some of my work on here for quite some time, but I just keep forgetting. Here are some of my more recent works.

The title of this piece is:

Chances my parents will get back together: The story of a snowball in hell.

The inspiration behind this one comes from the season finale of Rock of Love. I missed it coming on at it's normal time and I ended up watching it at 12. I got to bed by 2am and had to get up at 5:30am for work. (I credit The [other] Bec[k] for that. Thank you. But at least he didn't pick Daisy...right!?]

I call that one: Brett's redeemed.

This is another self portrait I drew of me walking into work every morning. Clearly, the sun isn't out at 6:45 no one else should be either. I pray every morning for strength to continue to put one foot in front of the other. ::sigh::

This one is titled: Dear God, It's me...Katie.

Lastly, this is the one I finished yesterday. The story behind this is that yesterday, I rid my life of a freaking HUGE pink elephant that had been annoying the crap out of me for months now. I was finally given permission to deal with it (another story for another time) and so I did. The comment I made in the email with the person giving me the permission said this:
What am I going to do now that the PINK ELEPHANT isn't taking up all my floor space?! I might by an ottoman to kick my heels up on. Or I might just rekindle my love for the game "Twister." I love the options this crusade for self purification gives me.

I title this one: The Finale.

(Left to right: Aunt Mabes, Auntie Em, Me, Pink Elephant.)

So yes...enjoy these pictures. Feel free to reproduce them as you wish. (Mother's Day IS just around the corner.)

...expect to see more soon!

Monday, April 14, 2008


I had a personal epiphany today. It's taken a load off my mind because I have trouble when I can't identify the root of my issue to figure out feelings within myself. Oh sweet [partial] relief.

[...I seriously love this band.]

we dream of ways to break these iron bars
we dream of black nights without moon or stars
we dream of tunnels and of sleeping guards
we dream of blackouts in the prison yard

heartbroken, we found
(a gleam of hope)
harken to the sound,
(a whistle blows)
heaven sent reply,
(however small)
evidence of life
(beyond these walls)
born and bred
(in this machine)
wardens dread
(to see us dream)
we hold tight
(to legends of)
real life,
(the way it was before)

we dream of jailers throwing down their arms
we dream of open gates and no alarms

we dream of ways to break these iron bars
we dream of black nights without moon or stars

heartbroken, we found
(a gleam of hope)
harken to the sound,
(a whistle blows)
heaven sent reply,
(however small)
evidence of life
(beyond these walls)
born and bred
(in this machine)
wardens dread
(to see us dream)
we hold tight
(to legends of)
real life,
(the way it was before)

look to the day the earth will shake
these weathered walls will fall away.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008

i thought my sister worked at belk?

"i've had better days bon qui qui."
